Support us!
ReA! Arte is a non-profit association created by young professionals from the art world who work constantly to achieve their mission and values.
Help us pursue our goals and support a new contemporary art system, one artist at a time!
Art lovers, partners and donors wanted!
ReA! is more! More art, more discoveries, more memories, more inspiration, more creativity, more participation.
Join our artistic revolution and change the contemporary art system with us!
Become a Member!

Join ReA! and become a member!
All Open Call subscribers will receive a year of free Membership.
Membership form

Member benefits:
Unlimited and priority access to events
10% discount on all training services (workshops, courses)
VIP invitation to the fair preview
VIP invitation to all events and exhibitions

ReA! seeks collaborations with companies from different sectors to deepen the link between art and business by providing them with a series of advantages in terms of visibility and positioning on the market.


200+ HNIs and collectors

2000+ artists

10.000 +visitors

25 staff

Milennial and Gen Z demographic
A partnership with ReA! it is an exceptional opportunity to present your company, products or services in an innovative, stimulating and creative international context, but above all to participate personally in our artistic revolution.
Support our social mission with your brand and participate in the democratization of the art world!
For more information and ideas for collaboration, contact us via the form or on
Other donations
Donating your 5x1000 to ReA! Arte
Indicate the name of our association "ReA Arte ETS" and our tax code 97866120153 on your 730, on the Single Certification or by filling in a simple online form.
By making a direct donation via PayPal or via bank transfer
Rea Arte

If you want to support an innovative and inclusive cultural project, you can contribute in one of the following ways:

Tax breaks
If you are a private individual
1) Donations can be deducted from Irpef for 30% of the amount, up to a maximum limit of €30,000 per tax period.
2) Donations are deductible from the provider's income up to a limit of 10% of the declared income. In case of inadequacy, the excess can be carried forward up to the 4th following year.

Remember that every little act of generosity counts! ReA! Arte is open to any other form of support. For other special donations, contact us here:
If you are a company
1) Donations in cash or in kind are deductible from the donor's income up to a limit of 10% of the declared income. In case of inadequacy, the excess can be carried forward up to the 4th following year.
For any doubts, we suggest you to contact a CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) or your accountant.